Profile PictureMase

Big Gunz Bible

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It's time to cut through the bull**** and discover a simple and direct method for getting those arms JACKED.

And let's face it, chicks dig big gunz.

The bad news is this guide is not cheap, and I'm only keeping this offer up for a limited time.

This is definitely NOT for everyone.

Please note:

If you currently do NOT want the best in life, are NOT willing to dream big, or don't want lots of beautiful girls hanging off you...then this might not be for you.

However, if you DO want sleeve-splitting guns that garners the respect of men and women, friend and foe alike, this could be a great fit.

So why choose me to write your workouts?

Because I deliver results.

My name is Mase and I've been in the fitness industry for over 20 years.  I've run boot camps, trained high school athletes, run executive fitness retreats...

But my specialty is getting people JACKED!

Forget about relying on compound lifts, "curls are for girls", and most mainstream bodybuilding nonsense.  It's all crap.

Here's the problem:

  •  Maybe you have long ass arms that don't respond to heavy lifts (like me)
  •  Maybe you don't have naturally muscular arms to begin with (like me)
  •  Maybe you just want pythons to impress the ladies (like me)

To really see results a workout needs to be simple.  

It has to be fun and challenging at the same time.  

It can't be complicated or have too many rules.  

And you must see VISIBLE PROGRESS.  

That's what "The Big Guns Bible" is all about.  15 hard-core workouts to pack slabs of beef on your arms in no time flat.

Workouts like:

  • I Got 5 On It
  • Excuse Me, Are You Single?
  • Take The Long Way Home
  • Hammer Of The Gods 

And many more...

Normally $47, now FREE for a very limited time only!

Get immediate access.

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46 pages
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Big Gunz Bible

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